A great way to go greener is to switch to a renewable energy tariff or provider. The benefit of doing this means that:
- You would be funding energy from renewable sources rather than fossil fuels.
- Renewable energy becomes cheaper.
- The more of us that switch the greener the country becomes.
Doesn’t it all come down the same pipe?
Yes, It does indeed all come down the same pipe, but the difference is that your money will be funding renewable energy instead of non-renewable energy. However, you need to make sure the energy company you use will guarantee that they will match your energy consumption 100% with renewables. Many companies are calling their tariffs green and renewable and only 20% of it is coming from renewables or even worse only buying renewable energy certificates rather than funding renewables or matching your usage.
How do I switch?
Switching is really simple and easy – it is just like switching your normal energy providers.
Renewable Energy Tariff Providers
You can choose from many providers of renewable energy tariffs:
You could also choose to use The Big Clean Switch which have renewable energy options. This takes the effort out of switching to a renewable energy tariff and will get you the best deal from the bigger providers.
When you choose a provider make sure that all the energy you pay for is being 100% matched by renewable energy. The companies listed in this post do meet this criteria (as of the date of posting).
Don’t forget to continue to reduce the amount of energy you are using.
How to start a sustainable lifestyle - Sustainability Guide · 14th May 2019 at 10:41 pm
[…] Switch to a Renewable Energy Tariff […]
4 Easy but unusual ways to save the environment - Sustainability Guide · 5th June 2019 at 11:39 am
[…] Benefits of Switching to a Renewable Energy Tariff […]
How do I reduce my carbon footprint at home? - Sustainability Guide · 3rd October 2019 at 11:02 am
[…] Change your energy provider so that you are funding renewable energy. Make sure you choose carefully as not all renewable energy tariffs fund renewable energy. Read my post on renewable energy tariffs. […]